This year could be the turning point for climate action in the UK. The UK government is making big decisions about the future of oil and gas this year: this is our opportunity to make sure our voices are heard.
From 3-9 March, people up and down the country will meet their elected representatives face-to-face during the No New Oil & Gas week of action. Whether you’ve met with your MP or MSP before or if it’s your first time, we have lots of resources to help you prepare for a productive and impactful meeting.
Firstly, read through this guide, and crucially, book your meeting with your MP / MSP asap.
Secondly, we’re hosting a series of training webinars in collaboration with Hope for the Future. Sign up here:
MPs and MSPs generally hold constituency surgeries where you can book a slot to speak to them, often on a Friday.
You can use our tool to send an MP invite email or an MSP invite email asking them to meet with you on the week of 3-9 March (or as close as possible to that date). It’s important to request the meeting as soon as possible, so that there is time for your MP/MSP office to respond and set it up.
If lots of people want to speak to an MP/MSP about an issue, they sometimes agree to an open meeting with multiple groups. If that interests you, you can register your meeting or look up existing meetings on our map and we’ll help you team up with others in your area.
Couldn’t get a meeting? You can still call or write to your MP/MSP using our tool. We’ll let you know when that’s up (just make sure to agree to future emails when using our tool or register here).
It’s helpful to understand their current position on oil and gas. Here are some places you can take a look:
If you want some help to feel more prepared, join one of our training sessions.